On the 3rd of December, Armament Inspectorate of Ministry of Defence (Inspektorat Uzbrojenia Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej) signed a new contract with WB Electronics. The contract is valued at EUR 2,35 million (PLN 10,3 million) and concerns procurement of 3 modernized sets of FlyEye Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Each set contains 4 aircraft. The contract also contains clause allowing for purchase of further 9 sets (First Warmate operators in WOT, 2018-04-30; WB Group offset agreement, 2018-04-18).
FlyEye UAV has a 3,9 m wingspan and a takeoff weight of 11 kg, thanks to composite materials used. Craft is propelled by an electric motor and can reach speeds of up to 170 km/h at the 6000 m ceiling. It has a 300 km range, providing that the control station relocates. Maximum flight time is 180 minutes
The contract is for 12 FlyEye UAV`s, with a possibility to purchase 36 more. It also covers a training package. Deliveries are to commence this year and a designated receiver is the Territorial Defence Force (Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej – WOT). FlyEyes are to be delivered to WOT brigades stationed in the east of Poland (WB Group expands towards America, 2018-04-24; Switzerland tests Fly Eye, 2018-04-20).
Negotiations regarding FlyEye purchase started on the 19th of October. Maximum budget was set at EUR 5,6 million (PLN 24 million). The purchase procedure (without a tender) was justified due to FlyEye`s being already used in other branches of Polish Armed Forces and due to positive experiences conveyed by current users. Moreover, unification and modernization or older units will reduce the logistical and training costs.
FlyEye set consists of 4 UAV`s, transmission station, command and control station, backpacks, and transport cases / Photos: WB GROUP
FlyEye miniature UAVs are used for reconnaissance tasks. Currently ordered platforms are the 3rd generation of this equipment and are equipped with a new optoelectronic head and new power system. Transmission station, command and control station, backpacks and transport cases were also modernized.
First FlyEyes appeared in Polish Army as a result of contract form November 2010 for delivery of 2 sets (8 crafts) of UAVs. These were delivered to JW NIL and were used in combat in Afghanistan. Next contract for 12 sets (48 UAVs) was signed on the 13th of February 2013. Equipment reach the destined units in 2014.
On the 23rd of December 2014, Border Guard HQ (Komenda Glowna Strazy Granicznej – KG SG) concluded a tender for delivery of mini UAV. The tender was won by WB Electronics with it`s FlyEye. On February 2015, Border Guard informed that the FlyEye UAVs, together with several Warmate 1 loitering munition drones will be used by Border Guard unit from Chelm. The equipment was to be used in 2016 in Ukraine, during the ATO operation against the separatists.