Holsters HPE Poland
A domestic company with many years of experience
The company’s headquarters in Kielce
The Company’s Products
The Holsters HPE Poland catalog focuses on three main areas:
- Ballistic Protection
Holsters HPE Poland specializes in the production of ballistic protection (both soft and hard) as well as compatible carrier and integrated vests.

- Riot Control Equipment
The offered riot control equipment includes multi-component anti-impact sets, shields, and helmets with visors.

- Gas Launchers and Protective Equipment
The offered gas launchers are available in various types, including handheld models of different sizes (from pocket-sized to much larger canisters) and high-pressure backpack systems.

Additionally, Holsters HPE Poland also offers a variety of accessories for their products, including their namesake holsters, which have been the core of the company’s offerings for many years. Moreover, their own sewing facilities allow for the production of uniforms, belts, backpacks, and other gear elements.
Production of ballistic protection
According to Holsters HPE Poland, ongoing development work is being conducted on ballistic protection. The facility includes its own ballistic laboratory, which is a key element in the quality control process. The projects are handled by an experienced research and development team.
The priority client for Holsters HPE Poland is the armed forces, due to the company’s production capacity. The company reports that it is the only one in Poland using HPPE (High Performance Polyethylene) technology in the production of ballistic plates. This technology allows for the production of relatively lightweight protection that still meets NIJ standards. At the same time, this technology is combined with high production capacity—up to 500 ballistic plates can be produced in a single working day.
Holsters HPE Poland supplies uniformed services
Mixes for the Tajfun IV water cannons for the Police
Holsters HPE Poland is a supplier of mixes for the water cannons of Tajfun IV vehicles. The crisis on the border with Belarus, which began in 2021, intensified these deliveries.
Equipment for the Border Guard
Border Guard officers have been supplied with various personal protective equipment and ballistic protection in the form of vests with plates. Along with these, handheld gas launchers were delivered—based on experience, a new series called Border Control with a capacity of 650 ml was developed.
- Bulletproof vests: 500 units delivered this year.
- High-pressure launchers: 2000 ml – approximately 250 units, and 6000 ml – around 100 units.
- Handheld gas launchers: 550 ml – about 2000 units delivered already this year.
- Bulletproof plates with protection level K4 according to PN-V-87000:2011 – 800 units.
In the coming months, the following will be delivered:
- Anti-riot shields: 250 units (September),
- Anti-riot sets: 250 sets (September),
- High Cut bulletproof helmets: around 1000 units (November).

Territorial Defence Forces, Military Economic Units, and Regional Logistic Bases
Deliveries for the aforementioned units included high-pressure and handheld gas launchers:
- High-pressure launchers: 2000 ml – approximately 500 units, and 6000 ml – around 50 units.
- Handheld gas launchers: 550 ml – over 2000 units delivered this year.
Dostawy dla wymienionych jednostek dotyczyły miotaczy gazów w odmianach wysokociśnieniowych i ręcznych:
- miotacze wysokociśnieniowe: 2000 ml – ok. 500 sztuk i 6000 ml – około 50 sztuk,
- ręczne miotacze gazu 550 ml – ponad 2000 sztuk dostarczonych w tym roku.
Military Police
The Military Police were supplied with 2,000 anti-riot faceguard visors designed for mounting on bulletproof helmets.

Situation At The Border
Increasing activity at the border
The Border Guard released statistical data for the first half of 2024. On the Belarusian border, the number of foreign nationals detained or detected by the Border Guard while crossing or attempting to cross the state border was 1,581. This represents a 337% increase compared to the first half of 2023 (362 people).
Threats to Uniformed Services
Members of uniformed services are at risk of serious bodily injury during preventive actions, such as blocking breaches in barriers. Media reports indicate the use of various types of improvised weapons, ranging from stones and wooden pieces with nails to knives. This underscores the need for different types of personal protective equipment and direct coercive measures. Incidents often involve groups of illegal immigrants, necessitating the use of vehicles like the aforementioned Tajfun IV. These conditions have forced uniformed services to significantly increase the procurement processes for equipment.