On the 15th of May, Biuro Finansów Komendy Głównej Straży Granicznej (Financial Bureau of Border Guard HQ) published the information regarding the offers in procurement process for 1600 semi-automatic pistols (with additional 600 as an option). Proceedings were announced on the 3rd of April. Border Guard’s budget for this purchase is PLN 3,84 million (EUR 889.000).
Border Guard will be yet another Polish uniformed service equipped with the P-10C pistol. The striker-fire weapon debuted in 2017 and was introduced to officers of Izba Celno-Handlowa (In 2017, 49 of these handguns were delivered to Izba Administracji Skarbowej in Bialystok) / Photo: Remigiusz Wilk
Two companies submitted their offer in these proceedings: Zbrojownia from Piatnica and Kaliber from Warsaw. Both offers are considered valid. Weapons are to be delivered by the 14th of December 2018 and shall have a 10-year warranty. Payment conditions are also in accordance with the contract`s draft.
Offer of Zbojownia company is valued at PLN 2,67 million (EUR 618.434) for the base 1600 weapons (unit price of PLN 1668, EUR 386) and at PLN 3,59 million (EUR 831,5) with the optional 600 handguns (unit price of PLN 1631, EUR 377). Considering the required specification, looks like Zbrojownia offered the striker-fire CZ P-10C pistol to the Border Guard.
Warsaw-based Kaliber offer includes 1600 units valued at PLN 3,32 million (EUR 769.000, unit price PLN 2076, EUR 481). Together with the optional 600 handguns offer is worth PLN 4,57 million (EUR 1.06 million). The unit price would stay the same.
The offer of Zbrojownia is low enough that Border Guard will be able to purchase all the 2200 pistols (base and optional order) using the budget destined for the base order only. Remaining PLN 254.700 (EUR 59.000) could be utilized for additional 150 P-10C pistols.