Ukroboronprom, a state owned conglomerate, informed that in the first months of 2020 one of its subsidiaries, Kharkiv Armored Plant (KhBTZ), delivered 10 T-80BV and 3 T-64BV (in the 2017 variant) modernized main battle tanks (MBT) to the Ukrainian Army. Overall, in recent years the manufacturer upgraded and handed over 250 MBTs, including 162 T-64BVs and 88 T-80BVs.
Ukrainian Army took delivery of a series of modernized main battle tanks / Pictures: Ukroboronprom
Modernized T-64BVs remain the pillar of Ukrainian Army’s MBT fleet. During the upgrade, these vehicles received new equipment and capabilities, such as thermal sights, optoelectronic observation systems, satellite navigation and new protection systems. The modernized T-80BVs received similar improvements.
Modernization of currently operated MBTs is a priority for the Ukrainian Army, which is heavily engaged in improving stability in the Eastern parts of the country.