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Faxon Firearms: Weapons from a subsidiary of a major American arms manufacturer

Who would like to turn their hobby into a lucrative business? Brothers Bob and Barry Faxton answered this question affirmatively – avid shooters and owners of Faxon Machining. Their company supplied and still supplies parts for machinery, as well as weapon components for the US Armed Forces and elements of Martian rovers for NASA. Such a broad technological scope led to the creation of the subsidiary company Faxon Firearms, where, according to the manufacturer, the passion for shooting meets technological expertise.

The American identity of Faxon Firearms brand

Just as Saab drivers may feel like pilots, so too might shooters using Faxon rifles feel a mental connection to NASA astronauts and operators of precision warhead systems. These are only my speculations, but – as we know well – a strong brand identity always significantly enhances the experience of using its products. Even if often only seemingly so.

However, it is a fact that Faxon enjoys a good reputation overseas. Customers speak positively about Faxon’s proprietary gunner (heavier but more durable under continuous fire) and pencil (significantly lighter than the competition, with very good declared durability) profile barrels for AR-style firearms, using them not only in Faxon rifles but also, for example, in weapons assembled and sold by Brownells USA.

Despite the manufacturer’s claim that their barrels are some of the best in the industry, we would search in vain for them among major firearms producers. This is likely because the barrel is often a proprietary creation of each brand, so using parts from a subcontractor is not a popular trend. American shooters gladly use Faxon barrels when assembling rifles where every gram counts, opting for the aforementioned pencil profile.

In the company’s portfolio of designs, we can find rifles in AR15, AR9, AR10, as well as 22LR standards. The manufacturer has also announced a new line of X7 bolt-action rifles in the Remington 700 standard.

The FX-19 pistol line, which directly utilizes the Glock standard, complements the product catalog well, emphasizing the fact that Faxon seeks to develop in a safe manner, reaching for established, well-received standards in the market.

Procedurę Press check pistoletu Faxon FX19 wspomagają agresywne nacięcia zamka Zdjęcie pochodzi ze strony https://faxonfirearms.com
Press checking Faxon FX19 is made easier by notches on its slide. Photo from https://faxonfirearms.com

High Tech In The Service Of Rifle Manufacturing

The hallmark of the brand is the high-tech nature of the parent company’s production processes. This has enabled Faxon Firearms to implement several innovative technological solutions in their designs.

When using Faxon barrels, depending on the version, we deal with modern steel alloys: 4150 CMV (in duty models) or 416-R (in match models), which, while meeting the required durability specifications, keep the weight low.

The barrels are button rifled, and then a QPQ Salt Bath Nitride coating is applied to them. Unlike coatings typically used in gunsmithing (such as chrome), when worn, it does not transition to pure steel but gradually reduces the nitrogen atom content. This leads to linear parameter loss due to wear instead of sudden failure.

The service life of Faxon barrels is estimated at 20,000 to 30,000 shots.

The bolts are made of 9310 steel, which not only meets but also significantly surpasses (well, by 7%, but still more than 5%) the norms known as Mil-Standard, which typically use C158 steel. Compared to it, 9310 steel benefits from an advanced technological treatment, which facilitates its subsequent processing. This directly affects the price of the component. To achieve parts of the same quality, C158 steel requires much more stringent production rules, which inflate the pricing of the final product.

Pokrycie kamuflażem z fabryki jest dostępne u dystrybutorów za oceanem. Zdjęcie pochodzi ze strony https://faxonfirearms.com
Factory camouflage coverage is available from distributors overseas. Photo from https://faxonfirearms.com

The finishing of the weapon parts proudly bears the name Superfinish, which is supposed to guarantee (the finishing, not just its name) the minimization of frictional resistance of moving parts of the firearm. The manufacturer seems confident enough in the low resistance of movement that the firearm comes almost unlubricated out of the box.

The rifle bodies are proprietary designs by Faxon, in the Combat series not deviating too much from what we know from the Mil-Spec standard. The brass deflector cutout in the middle draws attention, reminding us that in the Ultralight and Hyperlite products, we will find wild variations on how the AR15 can look after abandoning the conventional military designs (and requirements).

Numerous cutouts, openwork parts of lowers and uppers, embossments, and the use of carbon fiber to reduce weight are characteristic features of these product series.

Regardless of the release, customers receive rifles that come with accessories from top manufacturers. Charging handles, selectors, pistol grips, and stocks mounted by Faxon on rifles are products from companies such as Radian, Aero, Magpul, B5, or MFT. The manufacturer reserves itself the leeway to modify the delivered product, indicating, for example, that with rifle X, we will receive stock Y or another similar-class product. I keep my fingers crossed that the current level of accessories will remain at a stable, high level.

Pistolety Faxon wykonane są w standardzie Glocka, co pozwala na zakup części dedykowanych właśnie dla tego systemu, a sam Faxon produkuje liczne podzespoły również do austriackich konstrukcji. Zdjęcie pochodzi ze strony https://faxonfirearms.com
Faxon pistols follow the Glock standard, allowing for the purchase of parts dedicated specifically to this system, and Faxon itself produces numerous components suitable for Austrian designs. Photo from https://faxonfirearms.com

The new mid-price Quarterback, or just "yet another" manufacturer?

Analyzing the available raw data on Faxon rifles, it can confidently be stated that they are comprehensive and will not raise doubts about their quality. During testing, it can be acknowledged that their high ergonomics and functionality are noticeable.

Currently, with a whole range of rifles available in this price category, even limiting oneself solely to American manufacturers, shooters may feel somewhat lost. Of course, the wide selection positively affects prices in the domestic market, and rifles are appearing in increasingly better factory configurations. This trend should not only please novice shooters but may also attract more experienced users who will consciously choose configurations they won’t have to build from scratch.

However, I cannot give a definitive verdict on whether it’s worth buying Faxon rifles because the first models are only just finishing their testing cycle in my hands. To all readers curious about whether Faxon products will live up to all the manufacturer’s claims, I invite you to my next article, which will dissect (literally and figuratively) the rifles down to the smallest details and will surely help you make a decision about a potential purchase.

Advertising cooperation: Faxon Firearms products are available at Mex Armory.

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