On the 15’th of December MilMag received confirmation that the modern version of 9 mm semi-automatic wz. 35 Vis pistol will return to Fabryka Broni’s offer. Answering MilMag`s questions, CEO of Fabryka Broni Lucznik-Radom Adam Suliga informed that the weapon will be available in second half of 2018 and its price should not exceed 4000 PLN (1000 EUR).
Wz. 35 Vis, 9-mm, will return to Fabryka Broni offer in the second half of 2018 / Photo: Remigiusz Wilk
Fabryka Broni will develop and manufacture modern series of wz. 35 Vis pistols. It won`t be short, commemorative batch as produced in 2015. It will stay available as a part of Lucznik`s offer.
Modern Vis will be a close copy of the Polish handgun manufactured until 1939. The original pistols were manufactured with extremely time – and resource – consuming methods. Each specimen was hand – fitted, so the parts were not interchangeable. 21’st – century handguns will be produced with modern CNC technology to very tight tolerances. This will result in parts interchangeability but some mechanisms will have to be re – designed to match modern manufacturing technologies. On the outside, the new Vis will be identical to the original model.
Initially, only 9×19 mm model will be produced. Vis will be supplied with historically correct single stack magazine and sights. If the market shows enough interest, Lucznik`s board of directors might consider different models and additional accessories, such as iconic wooden stock – holster.