The U.S. Space Force has developed a new series of courses designed to give new space professionals warfighting mindsets they will carry with them throughout their entire careers.
Without highly trained space professionals, the U.S. Space Force cannot effectively utilize space systems to increase joint force lethality, cannot ensure the safety of the American public, nor can it defend against near-peer adversaries / Photo by: Staff Sgt. Dennis Hoffman, USAF
“Our modern lives depend on our space capabilities, and potential adversaries are actively attempting to exploit the benefits space provides us,” said Lt. Col. Daniel Sebeck, 319th Combat Training Squadron commander. “Every day our space warfighters purposefully prepare to negate potential adversaries’ attempts to claim space superiority over us” he added.
The 319 CTS instructor cadre begun teaching Space Warfighting Follow-on courses at Peterson’s Moorman Space Education and Training Center on 26th May. Each course is based on a core Space Warfighting Discipline: Orbital Warfare, Space Battle Management and Space Electronic Warfare.
“With the implementation of SWD training, the U.S. Space Force is transforming the way the U.S. military develops its space warfighters and is laying the foundation for a highly trained, ready force,” Sebeck said. “The Space Force must develop a cadre of space warfighters to protect U.S. interests in space, deter aggression in, from and to space and conduct space operations. The SWF courses are the first step toward mastering and applying space warfare discipline.”
Space is a warfighting domain — secured and protected by the Space Force — in the same way the land, sea and air are protected by the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.
“The development and integration of space professionals is a cornerstone of the way we fight wars,” Sebeck said.
Upon graduating from Undergraduate Space Training, new accessions and cross-trainees will immediately move on to the Space Warfighting Follow-on courses.
“The SWF courses pick up where UST Next left off, and builds on operator’s threat based training,” Sebeck said. “We must be ready and lethal, and it is our responsibility as the U.S. Space Force to provide space warfighters the training to defeat threats in the crowded, contested space domain.”
Based on USFF’s press release