At the premises of the 41st Training Air Base in Deblin a withdrawal ceremony of the TS-11 Iskra bis A trainer aircraft was held. The Polish Air Force will no longer use these jets for advanced training of its future pilots.
/ Photos by: Mirosław Cyryl Wójtowicz (Air Force Museum), 4th Training Aviation Wing
From this moment cadets of the Polish Air Force University in Deblin will undergo training of turboprop PZL-130 Orlik TC-II trainers and Leonardo M-346 Bielik (Master) advanced jet trainers (New M-346 Bielik trainers in Poland, 2020-10-21). Actually, TS-11 Iskra aircraft haven’t been used for training purposes since 2019.
At the beginning of 2020 the Polish Air Force had 36 PZL TS-11 Iskra bis A trainer aircraft in its inventory. This platform has been operated by the PAF since 1963. The remaining jets will most likely be transferred to museums or be scrapped.