Chief of Police enlarged the official armament of Police with a semi-automatic RGP-40 multi-shot revolver grenade launcher manufactured by Zaklady Mechaniczne Tarnów (ZMT). This weapon is the fourth type of grenade launcher used by Polish Police. Until now, only single-shot ZMT wz. 74 Pallad (chambered in 40 mm x 47SR), H&K HK69 and B&T BT-06 (fed in 40 mm x 46S) grenade launchers were utilized.
Polish Police purchased three of RGP-40 grenade launchers. These were delivered to Law Enforcement in December 2016 / Photo: Remigiusz Wilk
First three of RGP-40 grenade launchers were delivered to Police in December 2016. It’s worth noting, that this puts Police as the first user of the weapon, well before the Land Forces. Revolver grenade launchers were delivered to and tested in Szczytno Police Academy. During this time, trials were conducted to evaluate usability and to establish procedures. RGP-40 will also be tested with various special types of grenades, including non-lethal, foreign and domestic produced ammunition. Weapon from ZMT will replace RGA-86 26,5-mm semi-automatic revolver shotguns.