On 24 October the Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense signed a contract with the PCO company for delivery night-vision goggles worth PLN96 million. The order includes 1,337 sets of night-vision goggles: 128 MU-3s, 554 MU-3AMs and 655 miniature MU-3ADMs.

 MU-3AM can be mounted on a helmet, head harness, as well as on small arms on the accessory rail of the MIL-STD-1913/STANAG 2324 standard. MU-3M night-vision goggles were introduced to the Poland’s Armed Forces in October 2008, while MU-3AM and MU-3ADM on May 2016 / Photo: PGZ

MU-3AM can be mounted on a helmet, head harness, as well as on small arms on the accessory rail of the MIL-STD-1913/STANAG 2324 standard. MU-3M night-vision goggles were introduced to the Poland’s Armed Forces in October 2008, while MU-3AM and MU-3ADM on May 2016 / Photo: PGZ

At MSPO expo in Kielce in early September 2019, three contracts included delivery of 119 MU-3AMs and 527 MU-3ADMs night-vision goggles for PLN50.2 million were also signed.

In total, the Polish Army ordered 2983 sets of goggles with deliveries in 2019-2020 for over PLN147 million.