On Friday, July 12, 2024, at 1:11 PM, a Polish advanced training aircraft, the Leonardo M-346 Bielik, crashed. According to the Armed Forces General Command (DG RSZ) on social media: “Today at the Gdynia airport, during a training flight, the M-346 Bielik struck the runway. A rescue operation is underway.”
❗Dziś na lotnisku w Gdyni podczas lotu treningowego M-346 Bielik uderzył w płytę lotniska. Trwa akcja ratunkowa❗ pic.twitter.com/ZfaiexuXei
— Dowództwo Generalne (@DGeneralneRSZ) July 12, 2024
As the editorial team of Military Magazine MILMAG learned, during a training flight before the Navy Aviation Brigade Day (July 13), the aircraft was performing a loop and then failed to pull out of a dive, crashing into the runway at Gdynia’s Babie Doły-Kosakowo airport.
Illustrative Photo: Michał Adamowski, MILMAG
Press release from the Navy Aviation Brigade:
“Today, at the 43rd Naval Air Base in Gdynia Babie Doły, during a training flight for the 30th Anniversary of the Gdynia Navy Aviation Brigade, an M-346 aircraft crashed. A rescue operation is underway. All events related to tomorrow’s celebrations are canceled.”
The aircraft belonged to the M-346 Demo Team, which included pilots Major Adrian “Chudy” Chudziński and Major Robert “Killer” Jeł.
At 3:50 PM, a press briefing was held at the 32nd Tactical Air Base in Łask with Air Force Inspector, General Ireneusz Nowak.
The general reported that Major Robert Jeł died on the spot. He did not attempt to eject. He left behind a wife and daughter. The pilot was one of the two most experienced on this type of aircraft, with over 2,000 flight hours total, including 1,100 hours on this type. The Bielik fleet has been grounded.
It was the aircraft with the tactical number 7714. This particular unit was the 13th in line and had its maiden flight on April 29, 2022.
The Armed Forces General Command:
“He has gone to keep the ‘Eternal Watch’… With deep sorrow, we inform you that today, during a training flight with the M-346 Bielik at the 43rd Naval Air Base in Gdynia Babie Doły, Major Robert ‘Killer’ Jeł tragically died. We join in mourning and sorrow, and extend our condolences to his family and loved ones.”
Odszedł na „Wieczną Wartę"… Z głębokim żalem zawiadamiamy, że dzisiaj podczas wykonywania lotu treningowego M-346 Bielik na lotnisku 43 Bazy Lotnictwa Morskiego w Gdyni Babich-Dołach zginął tragicznie mjr pil. Robert „Killer" Jeł.
Łącząc się w żałobie i smutku przekazujemy… pic.twitter.com/F698yYfIFc
— Dowództwo Generalne (@DGeneralneRSZ) July 12, 2024
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz:
“During a training flight at the Gdynia airport, Major Robert Jeł tragically died. He was a wonderful soldier, husband, and father. A man who gave all to his Homeland… I offer my sincerest condolences to his family and loved ones.”
Podczas lotu treningowego na lotnisku w Gdyni zginął tragicznie mjr pil. Robert Jeł. Wspaniały żołnierz, mąż i ojciec. Człowiek, który Ojczyźnie oddał to, co najważniejsze… Rodzinie i bliskim składam najszczersze kondolencje 🕯️
— Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz (@KosiniakKamysz) July 12, 2024
General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces:
“With great sorrow, we inform you that today, during a training flight at the 43rd Naval Air Base in Gdynia-Babie Doły, there was an aviation accident in which Major Robert “Killer” Jeł lost his life. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends. #PolishArmy has lost an outstanding pilot. This is a tremendous loss for all of us. Honor to his memory.”
Z ogromnym żalem informujemy, że dziś, podczas lotu treningowego na lotnisku 43. Bazy Lotnictwa Morskiego w Gdyni-Babich Dołach doszło do katastrofy lotniczej, w której zginął mjr Robert „Killer” Jeł.
Rodzinie i przyjaciołom składamy wyrazy głębokiego współczucia.… pic.twitter.com/ogb9y8QSFA
— Sztab Generalny WP (@SztabGenWP) July 12, 2024
President Andrzej Duda:
“With deep sorrow, I received the news of the M-346 Bielik aircraft crash, in which a pilot of the Polish Air Force tragically died. This is a painful loss for the entire Polish Armed Forces. I extend my condolences to his family and loved ones. I bow my head in gratitude for his dedication to serving our Homeland and ensuring our safety. Honor to his memory!”
Z głębokim żalem przyjąłem wiadomość o katastrofie samolotu M-346 Bielik, w której tragicznie zginął pilot polskich Sił Powietrznych. To bolesna strata dla całego Wojska Polskiego. Składam wyrazy współczucia Jego Rodzinie oraz Bliskim. Chylę czoła z wdzięcznością za Jego oddanie…
— Andrzej Duda (@AndrzejDuda) July 12, 2024
“The Presidential Palace, including the National Security Bureau, will keep a close watch on this matter. I am reassured because I know that the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces will also ensure that Major Jeł’s family is taken care of.”
“I offer my sincerest condolences to his loved ones, including his comrades in arms. A commission will investigate the circumstances of this incident. We have lost our soldier, an experienced pilot. This is always a significant loss for the Polish state as well.”
Prezydent @AndrzejDuda w @PolsatNewsPL:
💬 [o katastrofie wojskowego samolotu] Pałac Prezydencki, łącznie z @BBN_PL, będzie trzymał w tej sprawie rękę na pulsie. Jestem spokojny, bo wiem, że także Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej i Sztab Generalny Wojska Polskiego będą dbały o to,…
— Kancelaria Prezydenta (@prezydentpl) July 12, 2024
Statement by the Leonardo company:
Leonardo has been reached by the sad news reporting that today an M-346 “Bielik” aircraft of Polish Air Force crashed in Poland, in the area of Gdynia-Babie Doly Airport (QYD/EPOK). The Polish Military Authorities confirmed the loss of the pilot. Leonardo expresses its most heartfelt condolences to the Family of the pilot and to the Polish Air Force. Leonardo stands ready to provide any necessary support to the relevant authorities, should an assistance be requested in the ongoing investigation activities.
Leonardo has been reached by the sad news reporting that today an M-346 “Bielik” aircraft of Polish Air Force crashed in Poland, in the area of Gdynia-Babie Doly Airport (QYD/EPOK). The Polish Military Authorities confirmed the loss of the pilot. Leonardo expresses its most…
— Leonardo (@Leonardo_live) July 12, 2024
The editorial team of Military Magazine MILMAG extends its sincerest condolences to the Family and Friends of the Deceased.
Late Major Robert Killer Jeł / Photo: Mateusz Chodelski, 4th Training Aviation Wing
In February 2014, the Polish Air Force selected the M-346 Master as the successor to the legendary TS-11 Iskra training aircraft, as the main component of the Integrated Advanced Training System (Advanced Jet Trainer).
The first eight M-346 aircraft were delivered to the 41st Training Aviation Base in 2017. The following year, a contract was signed for the delivery of four additional aircraft, increasing our M-346 fleet to twelve units. The last four were delivered in December 2022, bringing the M-346 fleet to 16 aircraft, constituting a full squadron. In November 2018, the aircraft were named Bielik (Polish name of white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla), and since 2019 they have been the cornerstone of advanced training for military pilots, replacing the TS-11 Iskra aircraft, which were retired on December 9, 2020.
On December 6, 2023, the General Command of the Armed Forces reported that the canopy of one of the M-346 Bielik aircraft had detached, but it managed to land safely. The entire fleet was temporarily grounded at that time.
On June 24 of this year, the Bielik fleet surpassed 10,000 flight hours.