Dart individual firearms simulator was presented at the EnforceTac trade show. Device was developed by American Digimation company from Florida. It’s a small, portable appliance used for firearms training and consists of an IR camera and dedicated computer. Kit also includes a pistol replica with integrated IR transmitter. Existing training weapons, such as SIRT or SimGun, can also be used. The device is connected to a multimedia projector via the HDMI cable.

The main advantages of Dart training simulator include portability, ease of deployment and simple operations. Manufacturer provides their own pistol replica but the device is compatible with other red laser/IR replicas such as Smart Firearms, Next Limit Training, SIRT and SimGuns.

The main advantages of Dart training simulator include portability, ease of deployment and simple operations. Manufacturer provides their own pistol replica but the device is compatible with other red laser/IR replicas such as Smart Firearms, Next Limit Training, SIRT and SimGuns.

European premiere of Dart took place in Nuremberg but the device itself has been available for 3 weeks. Recommended retail price is 5,500 EUR and the kit includes the Dart itself, a projector, a keyboard, a mouse and a laser weapon. All nicely packed in a carry bag. It is also possible to purchase the Dart without the projector and gun’s replica for a lesser price.

Simulator is a standalone system for individual training. Dart can be used in small rooms (minimal size of 3,6 x 2,4 m). Minimal size of projected image is 1,8 x 1,2 m. Projector requirements are 1024×768 pixel resolution and 2500-3000 lumens.

Calibration process must be completed after the startup. When this is done, user can choose one of the available scenarios. Training courses can also be created by the user. / Photos: Paweł Ścibiorek

Calibration process must be completed after the startup. When this is done, user can choose one of the available scenarios. Training courses can also be created by the user. / Photos: Paweł Ścibiorek

After switching on the device, calibration procedure must be completed first. When the simulator is calibrated, user can choose from different training programs. More scenarios can be downloaded from the manufacturer`s website or designed by the user. Device displays various types of targets ranging from typical shooting targets to uploaded photos.

System presents the impact points but can also display statistics at the end of the scenario. Figures can show the amount of shots fired, distance to target, time to first shot, split times, etc. During this phase, Dart will not only show the impact point but can also trace the aiming line movement during the trigger pull. The simplest scenario is a typical sport shooting training at 25 m distance. Anther is for dynamic shooting at moving targets. Device can also display tactical scenarios where no-threat targets are displays and should not be shot.

The official distributor of the system in EU is:
B&B security commerce s.r.o.
Contact: Sven Buzek
e-mail: dartsales@bbsc.pro
Phone: +43 664 342 78 70