Thales to provide sonar suite for future Netherlands’ Orka-class submarines
Thales, a long-standing partner of both Naval Group and the Royal Netherlands Navy, will provide a comprehensive suite of high-performance sonar systems…
Polish market of 7,62 x 39 Kalashnikov clones had changed significantly over the last 10 years. The model range is…
Here we are teaching commandos and seventy-year-old housewives alike, the training is open to everyone. With those words Steve Matulewicz welcomed invited…
Bullpup and classic variant at MSPO The complete family of MSBS-5,56 (Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej 5,56 mm) system debuted at…
Representatives of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ) and Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON) signed a letter of intent on the 26th…
Dragon Tooth is a Chinese-based manufacturer of outdoor and tactical clothing who wants`s to become visible on the international and polish market.…
The National Police Headquarters informed that the best offer in the tender for delivery 4,666 semi-automatic pistols is UMO company, a local distributor of Italian Beretta.
CONCLUSIONS AFTER A YEAR OF SERVICE Symbolic handover of the Grot C16 FB-M1 5,56-mm service rifles from Fabryka Broni took place…
PAC9, PAC911 semi-automatic pistols and PAC-9 CC pistol caliber carabine debuted at the shooting and hunting expo in Poznan.
Polish Police headquarters disclosed information obtained from offerors in relation to the procurement of the 200 of 40 mm revolver grenade launchers.
A three-year contract was signed between Polish Ministry of Defence and Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom. It concerns delivery of 20.000 Vis 100 pistols for Territorial Defence Forces, Army, Air Force and Navy.
Fabryka Broni is starting to sell a modern version of 9-mm, semi-automatic wz. 35 Vis pistols. These weapons are manufactured to commemorate the anniversary of Poland`s regaining of independence.
Over three years have passed since Ministry Of National Defense Armament Inspectorate announced technological dialogue in preparation for the tender…
DCM-1 Szafir scope, modified according to requirements of Polish Territorial Defence Force, was presented at the MSPO exhibition.
Rheinmetall finished the factory trials of the Leopard 2PL tank prototype. Vehicle is to reach Poland for further testing after the 18th if June.
Polish Border Guard published an information regarding offers on 2200 semi-automatic pistols.
PAC-15 semi-automatic rifles from Radom-based Pioneer Arms Corp. will reach the Polish market in the second half of May.