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Record-Breaking Deal for 96 AH-64E Apache Guardian Helicopters for Poland

The Armament Agency, on behalf of the Polish Ministry of National Defense, signed a contract with the U.S. government for the delivery of 96 Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters.

On Tuesday, August 13, 2023, at the Latkowo Airport in Inowrocław, in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz and Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Defense Paweł Bejda, a contract worth approximately 10 billion USD (39.17 billion PLN net/48.18 billion PLN gross) was signed for the purchase of AH-64 helicopters for the Polish Armed Forces. The deliveries are expected to take place between 2028 and 2032.

Photos: the Polish Ministry of National Defense

As announced in a separate press release by the Armament Agency, in order to acquire interim capabilities until the new helicopters are put into service, a decision has also been made to temporarily transfer used AH-64D Apache helicopters to the Polish Armed Forces. Relevant agreements with the U.S. side are expected to be signed in the near future.

It should be emphasized that to ensure the proper implementation of the AH-64E Apache helicopters and the temporarily operated AH-64D helicopters, based on a training agreement signed with the U.S. government a year ago, the first Polish pilots and engineers have completed training on this type of helicopter in the United States, and this process is currently ongoing.

Today, we are taking a milestone step in the transformation, equipping ourselves with the most modern and best attack helicopters in the world, the AH-64E Apache. This is a groundbreaking moment for the Republic of Poland in terms of acquisitions for the armed forces, particularly the land forces, which have a helicopter component. 96 of the most advanced attack helicopters. This is a great moment for me, a very important moment for all Poles. First and foremost, I want to thank our fellow citizens for their overwhelming support for the transformation and acquisitions for the Polish army. These are significant expenditures, as this purchase of 96 helicopters costs 10 billion dollars,” said Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz during a visit to the 1st Air Cavalry Brigade.

This is an agreement that changes the face of aviation, transforms the functioning of the Polish army, and complements the ongoing acquisitions. The philosophy of the Polish armed forces is based on cooperation, integration, and interconnected elements. Armored forces cannot operate effectively without proper reconnaissance, nor can they function well without helicopters, drones, or air force support. All these components are part of an interconnected system that requires cooperation. We are a responsible government, and we understand the importance of the decisions we make and what is most crucial today. There is no matter more important than peace. For politicians, ensuring peace is an absolutely necessary task. The military must be ready for war, for defense, if such a necessity arises. Politicians must do everything possible to maintain peace, to ensure peace prevails. This is our mission, and it is the mission of all civilized nations. This is what unites us with the United States: the love of peace, freedom, justice, and democracy. These are shared values that do not defend themselves. Values, by their nature and attributes, are not defended by the strength of their arguments but by the strength of their society, alliances, and military,” said the Deputy Prime Minister during the signing of the contract for the modern helicopters.

The subject of today’s contract signed with the United States government is the delivery of 96 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters, along with a logistics package (including equipment for helicopter maintenance, airport and hangar equipment, and technical support) and a training package (specialized training for pilots and technical personnel, as well as comprehensive and partial task simulators), as well as a stock of ammunition and spare parts.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks, to our Ambassador Brzezinski, to the U.S. government, and to President Biden, who was personally involved in the process of acquiring these assets for the Polish army and in the transfer of the most advanced technologies, as this required the approval of Congress, the Pentagon, and the State Department. Everyone was involved. Ambassador Brzezinski personally, as I know, frequently discussed this matter with the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Secretary Austin’s personal involvement in the process of transforming the Polish army is also noteworthy. The purchase of the Abrams tanks is a particularly significant moment, as the Apaches are an essential support for the Abrams. Thank you very much, Mr. Ambassador, for making this issue so clear,” emphasized the Deputy Prime Minister.

The signing of the contract was preceded by the earlier conclusion of offset agreements with three American defense companies, through which a range of technologies and know-how related to the technical maintenance, support, and combat readiness of the AH-64E attack helicopters, which will be added to the arsenal of the Polish Armed Forces, will be acquired.

With 96 helicopters, Poland will have the largest number of this type of attack helicopter outside of the U.S. Army among other allied forces. The British have them, Israel has them, South Korea and Australia have them, but Poland will have the most. (…) This sale is not just about making a deal. It’s also about transferring know-how in many cases. (…) It’s about the responsibility of who you entrust this to, and honestly, that is the greatest guarantee of security. It’s a practical guarantee of security. The logistics package, the training package, simulators, and ammunition—all of this is included. Three offset agreements, investments in the plants in Łódź and Dęblin. The helicopters will be stationed at bases here in Inowrocław, Świdnik, and Malbork. Just look at how many places in Poland will be involved in maintenance, infrastructure, and in filling these operations with substance. (…) We are acquiring capabilities for servicing, repairing, upgrading, and equipping. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the representatives of the Polish and American defense industries for this cooperation,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

The acquired AH-64E Apache attack helicopters will be delivered to the 1st Aviation Brigade (1 BLWL). They will be stationed in Inowrocław, Świdnik, and Malbork. These helicopters will replace the currently used outdated Soviet-era Mi-24 attack helicopters. To ensure the proper implementation of the AH-64E Apache attack helicopters into the Polish Armed Forces, the first Polish pilots and engineers have already completed training on this type of helicopter in the U.S., based on a training agreement signed with the U.S. government a year ago, and this process is currently ongoing.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this, especially the Polish pilots who are ready to operate the most modern equipment, to use it, and to make good use of it for the security of the Polish state and our allies. I sincerely thank the officers, commanders, and soldiers because this is the equipment you will be using, and you will be using it for us, for our security. I thank our allies from the United States, our friends, and all those who contributed to this contract. (…) 96 Apache helicopters for Poland is now a reality,” emphasized the Minister of National Defense.

The AH-64E Apache attack helicopters will provide entirely new combat capabilities to the Land Forces Aviation in terms of targeting and reconnaissance. This also marks another epochal shift in the modernization and development of the helicopter aviation of the Polish Armed Forces. Poland will also become the second-largest user of these helicopters in the world, after the United States.

“We’ve got it, ladies and gentlemen. We have 96 Apaches. This is an extraordinary combat vehicle, an exceptional reconnaissance and assault unit. There is no other helicopter in the world like the Apache in every respect. These 10 billion dollars are the insurance for our country, the insurance for our freedom. These 10 billion dollars, so hard-earned by our Polish taxpayers, for which I also want to extend my thanks, are a guarantee that we will deter those with malicious intentions towards the Republic of Poland, while at the same time providing the soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces, the pilots of the Polish Armed Forces, with an incredible reconnaissance and assault tool. (…) I want to return to the topic of offset because, ladies and gentlemen, we are putting things back on their feet that were previously upside down. Offset must come first. Offset that will allow us to implement the technologies associated with the product we are purchasing. Offset that will, among other things, allow us to repair and service these Apaches, to service the engines of these helicopters,” said Deputy Minister Paweł Bejda.

The 1st Aviation Brigade is a tactical unit that includes the 49th Air Base in Pruszcz Gdański, the 56th Air Base in Inowrocław, and the Central Group of Tactical Air Control Parties, commonly known as JTACs. The brigade was formed in 2011. It is equipped with Mi-24, Mi-2, and W-3PL Głuszec helicopters. The current commander of the brigade is Colonel Piotr Saniuk.

Construction characteristics:

The Boeing AH-64E Guardian (Apache Block III) is the latest variant of the Apache family of attack helicopters. It features composite rotor blades, new transmissions and rotor heads, as well as more powerful General Electric T700-GE-701D turboshaft engines, each with a maximum power of 2000 HP (1491 kW). These changes have improved performance, particularly in terms of maximum speed and rate of climb. The electronics, avionics, and software have also been upgraded, allowing for the integration of the enhanced AN/APG-78 Longbow radar and the M-TADS/PNVS (Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor) optical system, also known as Arrowhead, with higher resolution and accuracy. In the AH-64E Version 6 (v6) variant, the helicopter gained the capability to cooperate with both manned and unmanned aerial platforms (Manned/Unmanned Teaming, MUM-T) and fully utilize the Link 16 data transmission link. Deliveries of the AH-64E to its primary users began in 2011, and its combat debut took place in Afghanistan in March 2014.

The largest user of Apache helicopters is the United States, with over 800 units in AH-64D and E variants; as of March 2023, these helicopters have accumulated over 5 million flight hours. Boeing is upgrading the E model to version 6.5, which will include updated software, and later it will receive the new T901-GE-900 engine. In October 2022, Boeing announced the Modernized Apache concept, which is tailored to meet the future modernization goals of the U.S. Army.

So far, the following countries have decided to purchase the latest variant of the Apache Guardian (either brand new or converted from the AH-64D version): the United Kingdom (50 units), Egypt (43), Saudi Arabia (37+24), South Korea (36), Australia (29), Taiwan (29), the Netherlands (28), Morocco (24), Qatar (24 with an option for 24 more), Kuwait (8), India (22 with an option for 11 more + 6 with an option for 6 additional), and Indonesia (8). Germany and Bangladesh have also expressed interest in purchasing, but according to a report by Business Insider Deutschland on March 20, 2023, Berlin deemed the potential purchase of the Apache to be too expensive and too late to meet their expectations.

The introduction of Apache helicopters will allow for the retirement of approximately 13 outdated Mi-24D/W helicopters (12 of which were previously transferred to Ukraine), currently operated at the 49th Air Base in Pruszcz Gdański and the 56th Air Base in Inowrocław. The Mi-24D helicopters were produced between 1981 and 1985, and the Mi-24Ws were delivered to Poland in 1986, with one additional unit arriving in 1991. The number of Mi-24s in service has decreased over the past 20 years from 43 units. The average age of the currently used helicopters is over 18 years. Initially, under the Kruk program, the purchase of only 16-32 attack helicopters was planned.

Timeline of Events Related to the Purchase of AH-64E for Poland:

  • September 8, 2022: Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak announced that the government had sent a request for proposals to the United States regarding the potential purchase of 96 Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters, along with technology transfer to Poland.
  • May 5, 2023: During a visit to the U.S., Minister Błaszczak announced that the U.S. had assured the leasing of 8 AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters from the U.S. Army to Poland while the future contract is being implemented.
  • August 25, 2023: The Ministry of National Defense (MON) announced that soldiers from the Polish 1st Aviation Brigade had been sent to the United States for language and pilot training on Apache helicopters. The training cycle was announced by Minister Błaszczak on July 21, 2023.
  • August 21, 2023: The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced that the U.S. State Department had approved the potential sale of these helicopters to Poland, along with a package of equipment and weapons, valued at up to 12 billion USD (then 49.38 billion PLN). The weapons package requested by the MON included: 1,844 AGM-114R2 Hellfire II anti-tank guided missiles, 460 AGM-179A JAGM missiles, 508 Stinger 92K Block I anti-aircraft missiles, and 7,650 WGU-59/B APKWS II laser-guided rocket guidance sections with Hydra 70 missiles.
  • September 25, 2023: During another visit to the U.S., Minister Błaszczak signed the first offset agreement with Boeing. It provided for the establishment of maintenance and repair facilities in Poland for key components of these helicopters. Maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) will be carried out at WZL-1 in Łódź, while training will take place at WAT in Warsaw.
  • October 11, 2023: During President Andrzej Duda’s visit to the 56th Air Base in Inowrocław, it was announced that more than 30 AH-64E helicopters would be stationed there.
  • November 17, 2023: The Armed Forces General Command announced that Polish pilots from the 1st Aviation Brigade in Inowrocław had completed their first training flights on the AH-64E at Fort Novosel, Alabama.
  • February 20, 2024: The Ministry of National Defense signed an offset agreement worth over 300 million PLN as part of Phase II of the Wisła program with Northrop Grumman International Trading, Inc. (part of Northrop Grumman Corporation) for eight commitments, including the launch of ammunition production in Poland for the Apache helicopters’ onboard weapons (though it was not specified how much of this agreement pertains specifically to the helicopter program).
  • March 7, 2024: On the second day of the 7th session of the Sejm, Paweł Bejda, Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Defense responsible for overseeing the technical modernization of the Polish Armed Forces, confirmed the plans to acquire AH-64E helicopters.
  • March 12, 2024: During a visit by President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk to Washington, the U.S. reaffirmed its offer to sell helicopters to Poland.
  • May 22, 2024: On the first day of the 12th session of the 10th Sejm, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz announced that the Apache contract would be signed this year.
  • August 5, 2024: Two additional offset agreements were signed: the first, worth 400 million PLN with Boeing, included seven commitments. It confirmed the terms of the first agreement and added an evaluation of Ground Support Equipment manufactured by WCBKT for its compatibility with AH-64E helicopters. The second agreement, worth over 530 million PLN, was signed with General Electric for six commitments, including competencies for the technical maintenance of T-700-701D, CT7-2E1, and CT7-8E turboshaft engines at WZL-1 Division in Dęblin.


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