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Operation Wschodnia Zorza: Strengthening the Air Defense of the Republic of Poland

Starting August 1, 2024, a new operation Wschodnia Zorza will commence, continuing efforts to strengthen the air defense system of the Republic of Poland.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the Armed Forces Operational Command (DO RSZ) announced that a new operation codenamed Wschodnia Zorza (Eastern Dawn or Eastern Aurora) will commence on August 1. This operation is a continuation of efforts to strengthen the air defense system of the Republic of Poland. It is a direct response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has increased the risk of violations of Polish airspace.

Photo: captain Paweł Krzeszkiewicz, 32nd Air Base in Łask

The main goal of the operation is to protect Polish airspace from objects that unlawfully violate its borders. Particular attention will be directed at objects unlawfully crossing the borders, including at low and very low altitudes, which is typical for drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles. The operation covers the eastern and northeastern borders of Poland, where the risk of violations is the greatest.

The Armed Forces Operational Command will be responsible for coordinating Operation Wschodnia Zorza. These tasks will be carried out through subordinate units, including the Air Operations Center – Air Component Command, and using the forces and resources allocated to the operation. This will enable effective management of all resources and a rapid response to potential threats.

Wschodnia Zorza will be carried out through a series of tasks aimed at effectively countering and neutralizing violations of Polish airspace. These actions will include:

  • constant monitoring of airspace;
  • response to detected violations and their neutralization;
  • cooperation with allies and neighboring countries to ensure effective information exchange and coordination of defense actions;
  • regular training and exercises for military personnel to ensure the highest level of operational readiness.

Strengthening the air defense system is not only a response to current events but also an investment in the long-term security of the country. Effective airspace defense is essential for protecting Poland’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wschodnia Zorza is a step towards enhancing Poland’s national security. In the face of unpredictable actions by Russia, strengthening air defense is a priority. With advanced technologies, effective procedures, and international cooperation, Poland will be able to effectively protect its airspace and ensure the safety of its citizens.

Press release


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