On Thursday, December 19, 2024, the State Treasury – Armament Agency, on behalf of the Polish Ministry of National Defense, signed a contract worth a total of 1.1 billion PLN with Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom (part of the Polish Armaments Group) for the delivery of large batches of 5.56-mm MSBS Grot C16 FB-A2 assault rifles, 9-mm Vis 100 semi-automatic pistols, and 40-mm GP under-barrel grenade launchers for Grot rifles.
Photo and graphic: Ministry of National Defense
The contract was signed at the Ministry of National Defense by the Head of the Armament Agency, Brig. Gen. Dr. Artur Kuptel, and representatives of the management board of Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom, led by Seweryn Figurski, the President of the Board. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, as well as Deputy Minister of National Defense Paweł Bejda, responsible for overseeing the technical modernization of the Polish Armed Forces, and Deputy Minister of State Assets Marcin Kulasek.
The total value of the contract amounts to approximately 1.1 billion PLN gross and includes the implementation of the guaranteed and optional parts of the contract in the years 2026–2029.
The delivery of armaments under the guaranteed order, valued at approximately 736 million PLN gross, includes about 45,800 MSBS Grot C16 FB-A2 rifles, 13,400 Vis 100 9mm semi-automatic pistols, and 1,300 GP under-barrel grenade launchers for the MSBS Grot rifle (40mm caliber).
The contract also provides for the possibility of activating an optional part in 2027–2028, worth approximately 363 million PLN gross, involving the delivery of an additional 22,900 MSBS Grot rifles, 7,400 Vis 100 pistols, and 500 GP under-barrel grenade launchers.
“We are once again investing in Polish companies and equipping Polish soldiers. (…) After purchasing drones, initiating the Patriot system in initial readiness under the Wisła program yesterday, procuring tankers (…) and acquiring 80 Rosomak armored vehicles in the L version, it is time for something essential for every soldier and something they must be equipped with. Rifles, pistols, and under-barrel grenade launchers for Grot rifles are the purchases we are making today,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.
“Purchasing weapons from PGZ is also an investment in a Polish company, a company that manufactures weapons of the highest quality. I want to extend my sincere thanks to Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom for its meticulous execution of orders,” added Deputy Prime Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz.
“This investment reflects what we often emphasize: individual soldier equipment that ensures a sense of security. I am pleased with this collaboration with Polish Armaments Group. (…) From security to the economy. One billion one hundred million invested in a Polish company. A company that produces the highest-quality pistols, rifles, and grenade launchers; a company that manufactures top-quality weapons,” said the Deputy Prime Minister after the contract signing.
“We are fulfilling our promises. We aim to achieve 50% of expenditures in the Polish defense industry and 50% with our allies and foreign partners. This is a challenging and very ambitious goal. But it is ambitious so that we strive for a great Poland, significant development, and economic growth. We are investing in the Polish defense industry. In the coming days, we will once again meet with a major Polish defense company for another contract. This is truly an absolute priority for us. Two elements form the symbol of victory: security and the economy. This is an absolute priority for the government. One cannot exist without the other; one derives from the other. These are values of utmost importance to citizens,” emphasized the Minister of National Defense.
“Another contract signed with the Armament Agency is proof of the reliability and innovation of the products manufactured at Fabryka Broni, as well as the trust we enjoy as a strategic partner of the Polish Armed Forces. This is a tremendous motivation for further development and improvement of our products,” said Seweryn Figurski, CEO of Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom.
On July 8, 2020, the first contract for acquiring an initial batch of MSBS Grot rifles for the years 2020–2026 was signed by the then Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense (currently the Armament Agency) for approximately 177 million PLN gross. Previously, the rifles had been ordered, among others, by the Special Forces (specifically NIL Military Unit for the Territorial Defence Forces, which became the managing entity – editor’s note). As a result of subsequent annexes and agreements signed between 2020 and 2024, the Polish Armed Forces will receive, including the option from the signed contract, over 250,000 MSBS Grot rifles, of which nearly 150,000 have already been delivered to Polish Army soldiers.
Regarding the order for Vis 100 pistols, today’s agreement is another for the purchase of this type of equipment. The first contract, from December 2018, overseen once again by NIL, involved the acquisition of approximately 20,000 pistols for the Territorial Defence Forces. The second agreement, from May 2023, covers the delivery of nearly 28,000 pistols, with a delivery deadline set for the end of 2026.
The 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher, the 5.56mm MSBS rifle, and the 9mm VIS 100 semi-automatic pistol were developed by Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom as part of the armament subsystem of the Advanced Individual Combat Systems (ZISW) Tytan program and have been implemented in the Polish Armed Forces for several years.
The 5.56mm MSBS Grot automatic rifle was developed through a collaboration between Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom and the Military University of Technology (WAT) as part of the Modular Firearm System (MSBS) project. Its modular design allows for quick adaptation to the user’s needs, and the rifle can be configured in various setups and versions, including both classic and bullpup configurations. The first MSBS Grot units were introduced to the Polish Armed Forces in 2017.
The Vis 100 semi-automatic pistol, chambered for 9mm x 19 rounds, is designed for close-range combat, with an effective range not exceeding 50 meters. The pistol’s magazine holds 15 rounds. It features a single- and double-action trigger mechanism and is suitable for both right- and left-handed users. The pistol includes a Picatinny accessory rail under the barrel for attaching additional equipment such as tactical lights or laser sights. Tritium and high-contrast sights facilitate shooting in low-light conditions or at night.
Increasing the Production Capacity of Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom
To meet the growing demand for weapons, the Radom-based company is investing in expanding its production capacity. Construction work is underway to expand the facility. A new production hall is being built, which will enable an increase in production scale. The company is also investing in modern machinery and technologies, allowing for faster and more efficient order fulfillment.
“Thanks to these investments, as well as a consistent development strategy based on innovation and advanced technologies, Fabryka Broni is fully prepared to produce weapons in large volumes while maintaining the highest quality standards,” said Daniel Wilk, a board member of Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom.
It is worth noting that in 2024, the company recorded an impressive production increase of 62.5% compared to the previous year. Looking ahead, plans for 2025 include a further 15% production growth compared to 2024.
“This demonstrates that we are fully prepared to fulfill the order under the newly signed agreement with the Armament Agency, and we are also extremely proud of the results we achieved in 2024. A production increase of 62.5% compared to the previous year is highly impressive. It is the result of a significant leap in efficiency made possible by modernizing the facility and investing in state-of-the-art technologies,” added Jakub Czułba, a board member of Fabryka Broni Łucznik-Radom.
Kolejna umowa na uzbrojenie dla żołnierzy podpisana! Tym razem, w obecności wicepremiera W.@KosiniakKamysz, zawarta została umowa na dostawy broni strzeleckiej dla Wojska Polskiego.
✅ 45 tys. karabinków MSBS GROT,
✅ 1,3 tys. podwieszanych granatników,
✅ 13 tys. pistoletów… pic.twitter.com/HSaHjn29Bj— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) December 19, 2024
Zawarta umowa pomiędzy Agencją Uzbrojenia oraz Fabryką Broni „Łucznik” – Radom Sp. z o.o. dotyczy dostaw 5,56 mm karabinków MSBS GROT, 40 mm podwieszanych granatników i 9 mm pistoletów samopowtarzalnych VIS 100. Całkowita wartość umowy wynosi ponad 1 mld zł brutto. pic.twitter.com/6rSiTNa9eh
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) December 19, 2024
Wicepremier W. @KosiniakKamysz: Bardzo się cieszę, że mamy kolejny dzień i kolejny kontrakt. A powiem szczerze, to jeszcze nie wszystko. (…) Przyszedł czas na coś, co jest każdemu żołnierzowi niezbędne i co musi być dostarczone: karabinki, pistolety, granatniki podwieszane do… pic.twitter.com/Pfc7PYbTPM
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) December 19, 2024
Wicepremier W. @KosiniakKamysz: Kupujemy karabinki GROT w wersji zmodyfikowanej, produkowane przez fabrykę "Łucznik", która naprawdę robi ogromne wrażenie. To są nowoczesne i potrzebne produkty. Kupujemy około 46 tysięcy sztuk w zakupie gwarantowanym oraz z opcją zakupu…
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) December 19, 2024
❗️Wielki sukces radomskiej Fabryki Broni na koniec roku – umowa na dostawy niemal 60 tys. sztuk nowoczesnego sprzętu, w tym przede wszystkim karabinków #GROT, została właśnie podpisana🤝 https://t.co/GiJNcmLHZv
— Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa🇵🇱 (@PGZ_pl) December 19, 2024
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