On Friday, April 12, 2024, the Armament Agency signed a contract worth approximately 19.6 million PLN gross (4.8 million USD) with the German company Rohde & Schwarz Österreich (with its branch headquarters in Vienna, Austria) for the delivery of 11 sets of VHF/UHF M3SR series 4400 shipboard radio stations.
Photo: Rohde & Schwarz Österreich
The press release stated:
Today we have concluded a contract with Rohde & Schwarz for the delivery of 11 shipboard HF M3SR series 4100 radio stations. The acquired radio stations are intended to provide radio communication at various command levels, including ship communication with land systems, as well as with aircraft. The contract value is approximately 19.6 million PLN gross and includes the delivery of two RNMS DS3100M radio network management systems, two sets of spare parts, and technical documentation. Training for the personnel operating the radio stations is planned. Deliveries will be carried out between 2024 and 2026. The aforementioned radio stations will be installed on vessels of the Polish Navy, including the Orkan-class missile boats.
The previous contract with this supplier, dated February 18th of this year, worth 38,959,630.81 PLN (approximately 9.6 million USD), involved the delivery of 26 sets of VHF/UHF M3SR series 4400 radio stations.
Earlier, on May 28, 2021, the former Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense purchased 10 sets of the same radio stations for 9 million PLN (ca. 2.3 million USD). The devices were delivered to the Polish Navy. Even earlier, on September 9, 2020, 25 sets were ordered for units of the Polish Air Force for the equivalent of 34 million PLN gross (ca. 9.1 million USD at the time).
Previously, a total of 66 radio stations of this type were ordered: on May 28, 2018, under a contract worth 1 million PLN gross (ca. 267 thousand USD), 15 shipboard radio stations were ordered for the Navy, which has been using them since 2012. Furthermore, on January 13, 2014, 51 sets were ordered for 19.8 million PLN (6.5 million USD) – they were then deployed on ships and coastal units of the Navy.
The VHF/UHF M3SR series 4400 radio stations operate in the frequency range from 100 to 512 MHz and enable secure audio transmission and data exchange using Link-11 and Link-22 transmission protocols. These are Software-Defined Radio (SDR) programmable devices that provide communication between command and control points, aviation units, and ground and surface units.
Dziś zawarliśmy kontrakt z Rohde & Schwarz na dostawę 11 radiostacji HF M3SR serii 4100 w wersji okrętowej.
Pozyskiwane radiostacje przeznaczone są do zapewnienia łączności radiowej na różnych szczeblach dowodzenia, włączając w to łączność okrętu z systemami lądowymi, a także ze… pic.twitter.com/TlTIRD3kDb
— Agencja Uzbrojenia (@AgencjaUzbr) April 12, 2024