Almost 4 million
views and 630 thousand users in 2020.
40% increase
last year
Professional team of editors
dynamically reacting to world events
our expertly crafted content delivered directly to You
We have been writing for you since 2018
MILMAG are industry information services focusing on issues in the field of defense and the arms industry, shooting and the broadly understood active lifestyle.
In the Defense & Space section, you can find the latest information in the field of military, news about power ministries, cybersecurity, politics and news in weapons. We publish analyzes and interviews. We also describe the issues of the conquest of space.
The Shooting department focuses on small arms. You will find there not only information about new products on the market and equipment tests, but also guides on dynamic and combat shooting, reports from the fair, legal advice and many other interesting materials.
Adventure is a section where we publish materials on active and responsible tourism, bushcraft and survival, reviews of camp equipment and clothing, guides on spending time in nature.